
Japanese (Registration)

Registration application

Click the following button and make registration using Confit, the conference’s online registration system, which is the same system for paper submission. You can choose bank transfer, credit card, or convenience store payment as the payment method. Note that a different beneficiary bank account is assigned to each applicant for “Bank transfer” option. Unless your organization accepts this payment method, choose “Bank transfer – SMBC” option instead. Please understand that this option is not available after 5pm JST on Monday, April 15. Also there is a time delay for issuing the receipt PDF because of the manual confirmation.

Registration site

Participation pre-registration period: Friday, March 1 to 6 pm JST, on Friday, May 10, 2024

After completing your registration application, Confit sends you an e-mail message for confirming your registration. The message includes your login information to login Confit again. Keep the message until you can download your participation certificate at Confit.
In case that the number of applicants exceeds 2,500, there is a possibility that we might close the online registration before the deadline or we might decline or limit the same-day registration. We recommend making early pre-registration.

If you will use the free-charge participation benefit for sponsors, you need your participation benefit ID to make your registration. Up to four people for platinum sponsor, and two people for gold sponsor can use this benefit. The IDs will be notified to the contact person of each sponsor at the beginning of March. Get one of the IDs from the person before making the registration. The office will check your information and exempt you from the payment.

The conference is planned to be held in a hybrid format combining in-person and online meetings. The format, however, might be changed to absolutely online due to the spread of COVID-19. Even So, we could not accept any refund request after the payment. Thank you for your kind understanding.

Registration fee for participation

Registration fees for participating in the conference are shown in the following table. The fee of early pre-registration is less expensive than that of late or same-day registration. We suggest that you should finish your registration and the payment in advance.
All applicants who submitted their paper to this conference should login Confit for their participation registration using the same login ID with that of the paper submission. Otherwise, the registration and payment of submission’s account could not be confirmed.

(Unit: Japanese yen)

  Member (no tax) Non-member
(including 10% tax)
Regular member Student member Support member *2 Adult Student
Registration fee Pre-registration Early pre-registration:
from March 1
to 6pm JST on April 15, 2024
12,000JPY 5,000JPY 12,000JPY 24,200JPY 8,800JPY
Late pre-registration:
to 6pm JST on May 10, 2024
14,000JPY 7,000JPY 14,000JPY 26,400JPY 11,000JPY
same-day registration 18,000JPY 9,000JPY 18,000JPY 30,800JPY 13,200JPY
Presentation fee *1 3,000JPY 3,000JPY 4,400JPY 4,400JPY
  Collaborating association’s member
(including 10% tax)*3
Regular member Student member
Registration fee Pre-registration Early pre-registration:
from March 1
to 6pm JST on April 15, 2024
13,200JPY 5,500JPY
Late pre-registration:
to 6pm JST on May 10, 2024
15,400JPY 7,700JPY
same-day registration 19,800JPY 9,900JPY
Presentation fee 3,300JPY 3,300JPY

*1:We ask all applicants who submitted their paper to this conference to make the participation registration by Monday, April 15, and to make the payment of the participation fee and presentation fee by the end of April. There is a possibility that their submission might be cancelled, unless we can confirm their payment at that time.

*2:This option is available for participants who belong to one of support member companies of JSAI except for those who submitted their paper to this conference. We offer the same price as a regular member’s up to five people of the company per one contribution unit. The coupon tickets for this discount, which were previously mailed to the window person of support member companies, are not mailed this year. When registering for participation, you need to enter your company’s membership number, so please confirm your membership number with the window person of your company, then select the participation fee for “Supporting Member – No Presentation” to apply.

*3:As for pre-registration, we offer special prices to members of TAAI (Taiwanese Association for Artificial Intelligence), which are the same as those of JSAI members excluding tax.

You have to be a member in 2024 fiscal year to select this participation fee. If you are going to become a member and to participate in this conference as the member, you need to complete the membership application and the payment of membership fee by the end of April, 2024. Unless your membership application is in time for this day, please participate in this conference as non-member. From January, 2024 we are accepting membership application for 2024 fiscal year (April 1, 2024 to March 31, 2025). We suggest that you should start the application procedure early.

JSAI-isAI2024 participation

The 16th JSAI International Symposia on AI, JSAI-isAI2024 will be held on May 28 through 31, 2024, as a joint event of this conference at the same venue. The participation fee for the conference includes the fee of JSAI-isAI2024. Participants registering for the conference could audit JSAI-isAI2024 workshops and present there without the extra fee.

Pre-registration application period (Online registration and payment)

The online registration period is from Friday, March 1 to 6pm JST on Friday, May 10, 2024. Early pre-registration application period ends at 6pm JST on Monday, April 15. After making your payment, you can download your participation certificate containing QR code to check in the conference. So, complete the payment until Monday, May 13. Your registration is completed when we confirm your payment. You could cancel your application before the payment at any time. However, we cannot refund it in principle, after you will have completed the payment.

After pre-registration (The same-day registration and payment)

We are planning to have an online site for the same-day registration after the pre-registration application period.
The same-day registration is accepted at registration site from Friday, May 24. Note that only online payment is available.

PDF download of your invoice and receipt in Japanese

You can download your invoice PDF and receipt PDF in Confit.

Beneficiary bank account for bank transfer – SMBC

Bank name: Mitsui Sumitomo Ginko
Branch name: Iidabashi shiten
Account category: Futsu
Account number: 7188565
Account name: Ippanshadanhoujin Jinkouchinougakkai

Please see the following account information in case of bank transfer from foreign countries.

Beneficiary bank branch name: IIDABASHI BRANCH
Beneficiary bank address: 1-18, AGEBACHO, SHINJUKU-KU, TOKYO, 162-0824, JAPAN
Beneficiary account no.: 888-7188565
Beneficiary account name: JINKOCHINOGAKKAI
Address: 402, OS BLDG., 4-7, TSUKUDO-CHO, SHINJUKU-KU, TOKYO, 162-0821, Japan


JSAI2024 Office, The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence (JSAI)
Room 402, OS Bld., 4-7, Tsukudo-cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, 162-0821, Japan
E-mail: jsai2024-office [at]