Author Guideline

Japanese (Author Guideline)

Submission deadline for papers


  • File Size: The size of the manuscript file must be less than 3 Mbytes.
  • Style files provided here may be updated. Please confirm that you use the latest version of the style files before you submit your manuscript.

Format Guideline in JSAI papers

This page contains format guidelines for English manuscripts of the annual Conference of JSAI. To ensure that all papers in the proceedings have a uniform appearance, please refer to the following instructions.

1. General Information

  • File Format: The manuscript file should be an Adobe® PDF (Portable Document Format) file.
  • File Size: The size of the manuscript file must be less than 3 Mbytes.
  • File Name: The extension of the file name should be ".pdf".
  • Title and author’s name(s): The title of the paper and author’s name(s) should be the same as those appearing on the application form. Please ensure there are no differences between title and author’s name(s) in the manuscript and presentation application.
  • Abstract: Please include (1) the objective and (2) the outline of the conclusions of your results in the abstract under the author information. Also, please state the outline of your method as necessary in the abstract. Submissions without any description regarding (1) or (2) in the abstract may not be considered for presentation or publication.
  • Paper Length: The length of each paper is two pages on A4 size paper. Up to two additional pages are accepted. For internal sessions, the paper length differs according to submission categories. See the Call for Registrations and Papers for International Sessions.
  • International Sessions: English is the only acceptable language for the international sessions. Papers for the international sessions will be included on the conference Web site, from which papers that match the general requirements of relevance and scientific and technological excellence are encouraged to submit to the Journal of New Generation Computing.

2. Style File

  • As a courtesy to authors, we provide template files for Microsoft Word and style files for LaTeX.
  • The format of submission is neither LaTeX nor Word. We only accept PDF files.
  • The conference name in the header and your paper ID should not be included, because the organizing committee will add them
  • For LaTeX [Ver. 2014-11-20]
    • Download:
    • Release Date: 2014-11-20
    • Encoding: DOS Text (Shift-JIS, CR+LF)
    • LaTeX version: LaTeX 2.09, LaTeX2e
    • Files included: the style file "jsaiac.sty" (valid for both Japanese and English manuscripts) and guidelines in English
    • Notes: If you use UNIX, please change character encoding and add new line code.
    • Notes: If you use &quotjsai.bst&quot style file, please use "pbibtex" to compile tex(.aux) file.
  • For Microsoft Word [Ver. 2019-10-21]
    • Download:
    • Release Date: 2019-10-21
    • Tested versions: Word 2013/2016/2019 (Windows), Word for Mac
    • Files included: The template file "jsaiac_en.dotx" for English manuscripts, and guidelines in English. The English template "jsaiac_en.dotx" is essentially the same as the Japanese template "jsaiac.dotx". If you use Japanese-version Word, you can use the Japanese template for English manuscripts. Please see here.

3. Formatting Specifications

  • Please format your manuscript as follows if you cannot use the JSAI official style files. Note that if you use the official style files, your manuscript will be formatted according to the following specifications automatically.
  • Page Number: Each page should have the page number as a footer. The style of the page number is "- # -", where # indicates the page number in Arabic numerals (e.g., "- 1 -", "- 2 -"). The page numbering should start from 1 for each paper.
  • Paper Size: A4 (Please do not use an 8-1/2 × 11-inch format)
  • Page Margins: top and bottom margins: 25 mm, left and right margins: 17 mm.
  • Main Text: The main body of the paper must be formatted in two columns in 9-point Times New Roman (or similar serif font) with 12-point leading (line spacing).
  • Title: The title should appear at the top of the first page, centered over both columns in 16-point. Author’s names should appear below the title of the paper, centered in 12-point, along with affiliation(s). The abstract must be placed below the affiliation(s), centered over both columns (in slightly narrower width than the main text area) in the same style as the main text. The abstract should be no more than 150 words in length.
  • Contact Address: The contact address of the authors must be placed at the bottom of the first column. It may include the name of the contact, affiliation, address, phone number, facsimile number, and E-mail address.
  • Headings: The first-level headings should appear preceded by 1, 2, 3 … in 11-pt Arial (or similar sans serif) font. Second-level headings should appear preceded by 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 … in 10-pt. Third-level headings should appear preceded by (1), (2), (3) … in 9-pt.

4. Copyright

5. Contact

If you have any question about paper submission, please contact JSAI2024 Office, whose e-mail address is jsai2024 [at]