- Workshop 1 : 11th International Workshop on Logic and Engineering of Natural Language Semantics (LENLS 11)
LENLS is an annual international workshop focusing on formal semantics, formal pragmatics and related fields. We invite submissions to this year’s workshop on topics in formal syntax, formal semantics, formal pragmatics, formal philosophy, and related fields, including: dynamic/categorical/topological/coalgebraic/type-theoretic/substructural approaches.
Organizers: Koji Mineshima, Daisuke Bekki and Eric McCready
Website: http://www.is.ocha.ac.jp/~bekki/lenls/
- Workshop 2 : 8th International Workshop on Juris-informatics (JURISIN 2014)
Juris-informatics is a new research area which studies legal issues from the perspective of informatics. The purpose of this workshop is to discuss both the fundamental and practical issues for juris-informatics among people from the various backgrounds such as law, social science, information and intelligent technology, logic and philosophy, including the conventional “AI and law” area. We solicit unpublished papers on theories, technologies and applications on juris-informatics.
Organizer: Satoshi Tojo
Website: http://www.jaist.ac.jp/org/jurisin2014/
- Workshop 3 : Graph-based Algorithms for Big Data and its Applications (GABA2014)
Intelligent pre/post-processing plays a crucial role in knowledge discovery from big data. Counting of words, compression/decompression of row data, and segmentation of time series, etc. are those concrete examples and are embedded in many important applications. However, such a task becomes a critical part when processing whole data along with an increase of the data size. For this problem, many researchers have proposed novel data structures, algorithms, and frameworks for data use. Besides, we need a new approach for handling dynamic data streams and reconstructing veracious knowledge. Graph structures including string, tree, bipartite- and di-graph are a promising notion for the above problem. So, as the focus of this workshop, we call any idea for realizing big data integration, including but not limited to developing algorithm or data structure with theoretical/experimental results, introducing a framework for feature extraction, and learning, mining and modeling with big data in the real world. A survey of this field is also welcome.
Organizers: Hiroshi Sakamoto, Yoshinobu Kawahara and Tetsuji Kuboyama
Website: https://sites.google.com/site/graph2014workshop/
Workshop 4 : 3rd Workshop on Culture Aware Robotics (CARs@JSAI-isAI)(canceled)
Culture is not the first aspect that comes to mind when discussing human robot interaction. But our cultural upbringing does to a large degree influence our patterns of behavior and interpretation. Thus, culture is present in the development of robotic systems right from the start, unconsciously influencing how robots look, what we envision with them to do, and how they are programmed to interact with the user. Thus, culture significantly shapes how we interact with each other and with other social entities such as robots, and a better understanding of cultural differences and commonalities will have significant scientific, design, and societal implications. This workshop aims at improving awareness on the topic and facilitates communication among researchers from different cultures and those interested in culture as a factor in interacting with robots. The scientific focus of the activity is directed to culturally-aware robotics, which refers to a brand-new area in social robotics and human robot interaction and is closely related to the emergence of the field of culture aware computing in computer science and related disciplines. The main focus is on understanding the influence of culture on many human processes that affect human-robot interactions be it directly or indirectly. Culture aware robots can thus be defined as robotic systems, where culture-related information has had some impact on its design, runtime or internal processes, structures, and/or objectives.
Organizers: Matthias Rehm, Tatsuya Nomura, Maja Mataric, and Bilge Mutlu
Website: http://cars.e-hci.org/carsjsai-isai.html(canceled)