JSAI-isAI 2017
November 13 – 15, 2017
Sponsored by: The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence (JSAI)
Venue: Bunkyo School Building, Tokyo Campus, University of Tsukuba, Tokyo [info]
Call for Workshop Proposals(closed)
Submission deadline: April 17, 2017
Submit a proposal to “jsai-isai [at] ai-gakkai.or.jp” by e-mail
The nineth JSAI International Symposia on AI (JSAI-isAI) will take place at University of Tsukuba, Tokyo on November 13th – 15th, 2017. JSAI-isAI is an event that hosts several international workshops at the same location. This is in succession to the international workshops co-located with JSAI annual conferences since 2009. JSAI invites proposals for the nineth JSAI-isAI. JSAI-isAI brings together a set of workshops at a common site, providing a unique and intimate forum for colleagues in a given discipline. JSAI-isAI also provides an important opportunity for AI researchers to get together and share their knowledge. Prospective workshop organizers should send a proposal (maximum three pages) with the following sections to the JSAI-isAI 2017 Committee.
- Title of the workshop
- Objectives, and scope
- Names and contacts of key organizers and a tentative list of members of the program committee.
- Expected number of papers, attendees, and preliminary workshop format Proposals
will be reviewed by the JSAI-isAI 2017 Committee.
It is recommended that at least one of the organizers are non-Japanese.
The form for workshop proposals is attached below.
Workshop Proposal Form
Workshop title: Abstract (within 400 words): #Describe objective, scope Expected number of papers: Expected number of attendees: Preliminary workshop format: #Describe whether the workshop will include panels, posters, and etc. Past experiences in JSAI-isAI (if any): #Describe whether you have organized workshops in JSAI-isAI and how #many participants you have got in the past Information of Workshop leader (1) Name: Affiliation: Postal address: Telephone: Fax: e-mail: Experiences with conference/workshop (if any): Information of Workshop co-leader (2) (if any) Name: Affiliation: Postal address: Telephone: Fax: e-mail: Experiences with conference/workshop (if any): The tentative list of members in the program committee (3):
Important Dates:
Workshop Proposal Due | : | April 17, 2017 |
Workshop Notification | : | May 01, 2017 |
Release of Workshop Call for Paper | : | Early May 2017 |
Workshop Submission Deadline | : | August 2017 |
Workshop Author Notification | : | September 2017 |
Workshop Camera-ready | : | Early October 2017 |
Workshop Date | : | November 13-15, 2017 |
The organizers and chairs of the workshop shall have full control on the call for papers, forming of program committees, review and selection of papers as well as planning the workshop program. Furthermore, the organizers and chairs of the workshop should specify in the web page that the workshop is
`with a support of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence’
`in association with the nineth JSAI International Symposia on AI (JSAI-isAI 2017).’
The organizers and chairs of the workshop are also responsible for preparing a short review of the workshop, to be printed in the journal of JSAI.
Just for your information
Here are the past workshops reports.