[Journal]Artificial Intelligence Vol.38 No.3 (May. 2023)

Toward Focusing on “Human Resource”as a Symposium Theme …………………………………………………………… Kentaro Yamada 303

On Making Peer Review Single Blind ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… Fujio Toriumi 305

Special Issue: “AI and Simulations”
Editorsʼ Introduction to “AI and Simulations” ……………………………………………………Takashi Matsubara and Takaharu Yaguchi 306
Geometric Deep Learning for Gray-Box Modeling of Dynamical Systems
     ………………………………………………………………………………… Takashi Matsubara, Yuhan Chen and Takaharu Yaguchi 308
Gaussian Processes and Modeling Physical Phenomena ………………………………………………………………………… Yusuke Tanaka 318
Machine Learning for Physical Simulation using Graph Neural Network …………………… Masanobu Horie and Naoto Mitsume 326
Trend in Physics-Informed Neural Networks and Application to Liquid Film Flows
     …………………………………………………………………………………………Suguru Shiratori, Yo Nakamura and Iori Sugihara 335
Simulation and AI in Meteorological and Climate Science ………………………………………………………………… Daisuke Matsuoka 345
Use of CAE Surrogate AI in the Design Development Site and Points to Note ………………………………………… Yasuhiro Miyado 351

Special Issue: “Research Evaluation and Science Information Analysis”
Editorʼs Introduction to “Research Evaluation and Science Information Analysis” ……………………………………… Mitsuo Yoshida 358
Transformation of Research Evaluation Toward an Open Science Paradigm …………………………………………… Kazuhiro Hayashi 360
Biases in Peer Review and Attempts to Control Biases …………………………………………………………………………………… Sho Sato 366
Natural Language Processing for Scientific Paper Analysis: Current Status and Future Prospects …………………Akiko Aizawa 375
How to Manage Tacit Assumptions in Citation Analysis
 ─ Research Trends of Citation Analysis Toward AI×Science Studies ─ ……………………………………………… Takahiro Miura 384
Feature Representations of Researchers Based on Scholarly Data …………………………………………………………… Marie Katsurai 392
New Knowledge Infrastructure brought by Open Scholarly Information
 ─ Focusing on Research Trends of Scholarly Bibliographic References on Wikipedia ─ …………………………… Jiro Kikkawa 399

AI Philosophy Map General Discussion Part Ⅲ : 7 Collaboration of Philosophy and AI
     …………………………………………………………………………………………… Youichiro Miyake, Takako Ouchi and Yoji Kiyota 408

Lecture Series: “Future of AI, Society, and Human Being ─ Colliding, Blending, and Unifying ─”(3)
Towards Social Systems to Support Informational Health ………………………………………………………………………… Fujio Toriumi 413

My Bookmark
Software Engineering …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Fuyuki Ishikawa 420

Global Eye(64)
Eternal Foreigner ………………………………………………………………………… Pârt,achi Profir-Petru, Translator:Mahito Sugiyama 426

Students Forum(117)
Interview with Associate Prof. Yuki Igarashi “Real Opinions and Communications” ………………………………………… Eri Kuroda 429

Conference Reports
2022 IEEE International Conference on Big Data(IEEE BigData 2022) ………… Naoto Minagawa and Takehiro Takayanagi 435

Book Review
Hideyuki Nakashima and Keiji Hirata eds., Misako Nambu, Michael Vallance, Yasuhiro Katagiri, Noyuri Mima:
 Computational Thinking: Think as computer scientists do, pp. 176,
 FUN Press(Seller: Kindai kagaku sha Co.,Ltd.)(2022) ………………………………………………………………… Sho Yamamoto 437
Asako Kanezaki, Shuichi Akizuki and Naoya Chiba: 3D Point Cloud Processing with Python, pp. 192,
 Kodansha Ltd.(2022) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Tatsushi Matsubayashi 438

Cover Project “The Scroll of AI History: Road to Future AI, Chapter 3”
 ─ Bursts of Sprouts in the Second Winter ─ …………………………… Planner:Hiroko Yamano, Koji Inoue and Takeshi Sakaki
            Illustrator:Shun Iwasawa, Supervisor:Hitoshi Matsubara, Mai Sugimoto and Tadahiro Taniguchi 440