Journal of Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence Vol.12 No.3(May 1997)


Request for JSAI in the Future̷0;……………………. Masahiro Yamamoto 349

Special Issue: $B!H (BFoundations and Applications of Constraint Satisfaction Problems”
Editor’s Introduction to $B!H (BFoundations and Applications of
Constraint Satisfaction Problems”………………………. Seiji Yamada 350
Fundamentals and Perspectives of Constraint Satisfaction
Problems………………………………………. Seiichi Nishihara 351
Approximate Algorithms for Constraint Satisfaction Problems …….. Hitoshi Kanoh 359
Why Can CSP Support Inference? ……………………………….. Yukio Ohsawa 366
Constraint-Based Search and Its Applications…………………..Kazuo Miyashita 374
New Directions of CSP:Distributed/Dynamic/Partial CSP
…………………….. Makoto Yokoo and Katsutoshi Hirayama 381

Survey Papers
-Synthetic Evaluation of Natural Language Processing Systems-
………. Koiti Hasida,Yasuharu Den,Katashi Nagao,Hideki Kashioka,
Keiichi Sakai,Akira Shimazu,and Mikio Nakano 390

Essays: $B!H (BExpectation of IJCAI-97 in Nagoya”(5)
Intelligence Is in Interactions
-Expectation to IJCAI-97-………………………….. Koichiro Tamura 400
Expectation of IJCAI-97………………………………………Shigeru Sato 402

Technical Papers
An Integrated Framework for Processing Grammatically Ill-Formed Sentences
…………………………..Osamu Imaichi and Yuji Matsumoto 404
Method for Acquiring and Modifying Knowledge Pertaining to
Concepts of Objects Using Levels of Hypotheses
………………………….. Toshiro Makino and Toshiyuki Iida 412
On Handling Tree-Structured Attributes in Decision Tree Learning
……………. Hussein Almuallim,Yasuhiro Akiba,and Shigeo Kaneda 421
Dissolution of Points in Dispute Based on Situation Theory Planning
…………………………Akihiro Kawata and Susumu Yamasaki 430
Multi-Agent Based Hypothetical Reasoning for Image Recognition
…………….Hiroshi Tsujino,Edgar Koerner,and Tomohiko Masutani 440
The Extension of Real-Time Temporal Logic and the Method of
Model-Checking Verification…………………………..Satoshi Yamane 448
Automatic Learning of Cooperative Answering Strategy through Speech
Dialog in Visual Anthropomorphous Agent
……………. Yasufumi Takama,Hiroshi Dohi,and Mitsuru Ishizuka 456
Representation of Persistence and Causality Based on
Multi-Autoepistemic Logic
…………Katsuhiko Toyama,Yasuyoshi Inagaki,and Teruo Fukumura 466

Published Bimonthly by Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence
OS Bldg.402,4-7 Tsukudomachi,Shinjuku-ku,Tokyo 162,Japan.