Journal of Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence Vol.12 No.1(Jan. 1997)


Conflict and Conquest………………………………………….Akira Ichikawa 1

Special Issue: “Spoken Dialogue”
Editor’s Introduction to “Spoken Dialogue”…………………….Katsuhiko Shirai 2
Understanding and Generating Dialogue by Integrated Processing of
Speech,Language and Concept…………………………………. Shuji Doshita 3
Recognition and Synthesis on Dialogue Speech……………………..Yasuhisa Niimi 13
Technologies of Spoken Dialogue Processing………………………. Hozumi Tanaka 18
Concepetual Information Processing in Spoken Dialogue Understanding
……………………………………..Riichiro Mizoguchi 24
Corpus of Spoken-Dialogue and Dialogue Models………………….. Katsuhiko Shirai 30

Survey Papers
Good Books in Artificial Intelligence……………………….. Hitoshi Matsubara 36

Essays: “Expectation of IJCAI-97 in Nagoya”(3)
Expectation of IJCAI-97……………………………………… Yoshiaki Shirai 44
Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition…………………… Kenichi Mori 46

Technical Papers
Representation and Calculation of Objects with Classes and Substructures
-A Simple Computational Framework Based on Logic-
…………Yuuichi Kawaguchi,Kiyoshi Akama,and Eiichi Miyamoto 48
Inductive Inference by Stepwise Pair Expansion..Kenichi Yoshida and Hiroshi Motoda 58
Intelligent Support for Construction and Exploration of Advanced Technological
Information Space from Technical Papers in Metallurgy
……….Toshiyuki Matsuo,Toyoaki Nishida,and Ken’ichi Hoshimoto 68
MarcoPolo:A Reinforcement Learning System Considering Tradeoff Exploitation
and Exploration under Markovian Environments
…. Kazuteru Miyazaki,Masayuki Yamamura,and Shigenobu Kobayashi 78
Real-Time Planning by Interleaving Real-Time Search with Flexible Subgoaling
…………………………Shigeo Matsubara and Toru Ishida 90
Thermal Power Plant Start-Up Scheduling with Evolutionary Computation by
Using an Enforcement Operator and Tabu Strategy
……………. Akimoto Kamiya,Isao Ono,Masayuki
Yamamura,and Shigenobu Kobayashi 100
Residue-Driven Architecture and Its Application to Sound Stream Segregation
…………Tomohiro Nakatani,Masataka Goto,Takeshi Kawabata,and
Hiroshi G.Okuno 111
Marketing Data Analysis Using Simulated Breeding and Inductive
Learning Techniques……………………..Yoko Ishino and Takao Terano 121
Ontology Design of Fluid Systems and Time for Model-Based Problem Solving
and Its Evaluation……..Yoshinobu Kitamura,Munehiko Sasajima,Mitsuru Ikeda, 132
Shinji Yoshikawa,Kenji Ozawa,and Riichiro Mizoguchi
Forgetting Cases by Restricting Memory………..Hiroyoshi Watanabe and Kenzo Okuda 144
Emergent Organizations of Multiple Agents with Behavior Network Iintroduced
Fatigue Parameters…………Keiji Suzuki,Jun Yoshimura,and Yukinori Kakazu 152

Published Bimonthly by Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence
OS Bldg.402,4-7 Tsukudomachi,Shinjuku-ku,Tokyo 162,Japan.