[Journal]Artificial Intelligence Vol. 34 No.1 (Jan. 2019)

International Conferences as Facilitation of Close Human Relationships ………………………………………………………Shusaku Tsumoto 1

Special Issue:“Intelligent Processing of Cooking Information”
Editors’Introduction to“ Intelligent Processing of Cooking Information” …………………………………Kazuhiro Kazama and Jun Harashima 2
Recipe Service and Information Processing ………………………………………………………………………………………… Jun Harashima 3
Improving Usability in Recipe Services with Detecting Near Duplicate Recipes ………………………………………Yu Hirate and Yohei Seki 9
Cooking Recipe Text Processing and Its Applications …………………………………… Yoko Yamakata, Hidetsugu Nanba and Shinsuke Mori 15
Development of Evaluation Data for Cooking Recipe Search ………………………………………………………………… Michiko Yasukawa 24
Media Characteristic Analysis and Its Applications for Cooking Recipes
…………………………Kazutoshi Sumiya, Hidetsugu Nanba, Taketoshi Ushiama, Shoko Wakamiya, Yuanyuan Wang and Yukiko Kawai 32
Research Trends on Food Image Recognition ………………………………………………………………………………………… Keiji Yanai 41
Photo Based Food Recording Tool and Tendency of Its Data …………………………………………………………………… Kiyoharu Aizawa 50
Information Physicalization and Smart Cooking ………………………………………………………………………………… Keita Watanabe 56
Smart Kitchens, Past Trials and Future Directions …………………………………………………………………………… Atsushi Hashimoto 62
Looking Back upon Two Decades of Food-Media Research ………………………………………………………Ichiro Ide and Yoko Yamakata 70

Special Issue:“New Trends of Researches for Doctorial Theses”
Editors’Introduction to“New Trends of Researches for Doctorial Theses” ……………………… Tomonobu Ozaki and Yoshitaka Yamamoto 79
 Machine Learning and Data Mining 80 / Agent 81 / Soft Computing 82 / Natural Language Processing 83 /
 Image and Speech Processing 85

Toru Iwatani, the PAC-MAN Creater, Interview about the Origin of Game AI“PAC-MAN” ………………………………………Toru Iwatani 86
Interviewer: Youichiro Miyake, Composition: Mirei Takahashi

My Bookmark
Web Search and Information Credibility ……………………………………………………………………………………… Yusuke Yamamoto 100

Global Eye(44)
My Experience at Carnegie Mellon University ……………………………………………………………………………………… Akira Kuroda 104

Students Forum(95)
Interview with Prof. Takanori Komatsu Study, Connect, Sympathize, and Raise Humans ……………………………………… Masahiko Osawa 106

Conference Reports
The 12th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems(RecSys 2018) …………………………………………………… Toshihiro Kamishima 109
The 8th Joint International Semantic Technology Conference(JIST 2018) ……………………………………………………… Kouji Kozaki 111

Book Review
Author: Christopher G. Brinton and Mung Chiang, Translator: Shohei Usui, et al.:
 The Power of Networks: Six Principles That Connect Our Lives, pp. 384, Morikita Publishing Co., Ltd.(2018) ……… Kazuhiro Kazama 114

Cover Comment : PAC-MAN, the Origin of Game AI …………………………………………………… Toru Iwatani and Youichiro Miyake 115
Experiential Entertainment Predicts the Future(6)
 —Message from 2069— ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… Yusuke Takeuchi 118