Journal of Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence Vol.14 No.4(Jul. 1999)


90% AI System for Real-World Problems………………….Katsushi Ikeuchi 577

Special Issue: “Mobile Computing and Agent”
Editor’s Introduction to “Mobile Computing and Agent” …….Eiichi Ohsawa 578
Mobile Computing and Agent Augmented Reality………………Katashi Nagao 579
Agents That Support Information Gathering for Mobile Users
…………………………………………….Katsumi Takahashi 590
Survey on Mobile Agents………………………………….Ichiro Satoh 598

Survey Papers
Automated Driving Systems of Vehicles………………….Sadayuki Tsugawa 606

AI map
Fascinated by Explicit Understanding…………………….Hiroshi Motoda 615

Technical Papers
Performance Improvement in Production Systems by Changing Match Algorithms
Dynamically……………………………………….Takahiro Hayashi,
Haruhiko Kimura, Sadaki Hirose, Hidetaka Nambo and Shigeki Hirobayashi 626

Distributed Partial Constraint Satisfaction Problem
……………………………Katsutoshi Hirayama and Makoto Yokoo 636

Considerations on the Complexity of Visual Reasoning with Sentences and Diagrams
……………………………Kensuke Kiyozuka and Hajime Sawamura 646

On a Process of Agent Invasion and Profitability of Strategies Taking
Intermediate Actions……………..Kazuhiro Chiba and Kunihiko Hiraishi 657

Autonomous State Abstraction from Heterogeneous and Redundant Sensor Information
………………..Takehisa Yairi, Shinichi Nakasuka and Koichi Hori 667

A Constructive Learning Algorithm Which Invents New Predicates Based on
Schemata and Queries………………..Kimihito Ito and Akihiro Yamamoto 679

Stepwise Diversity Recovering on Genetic Algorithms and Its Assessment
…………………………….Hirokazu Watabe and Tsukasa Kawaoka 689

How Is Irony Distinguished from Nonirony?:
An Implicit-Display-Based Model of Irony-Nonirony Distinction
…………………………………………………..Akira Utsumi 700

Finding Hypotheses from Examples by Computing the Least Generalization of
Bottom Clauses……………………..Kimihito Ito and Akihiro Yamamoto 709

The Representation of Sound Streams Using Hierarchical Data Structure:
A Computational Model of Sound Stream Segregation
……………….Masakazu Ichinose, Masaharu Kato and Kazuhiro Ueda 717

Research Notes
Q-ee Learning: A Novel Q-Learning Method with Exploitation and Exploration
………………………..Gang Zhao, Shoji Tatsumi and Ruoying Sun 727

Technical Reports
A Comparison of Running Time of KICK-SHOTGAN and KICK-HOPE
….Atsuyoshi Deyama, Haruhiko Kimura, Masato Izumi and Sadaki Hirose 733

Last modified: Wed May 31 00:32:54 JST 2000