人工知能学会誌 Vol.11 No.4
目 次
ヒューマンインタフェースとAI技術……………………………………羽下雄之輔 497
特集「自然言語処理の再構築」にあたって…………………………………安原 宏 498
新しい機械翻訳のための自然言語処理………………………………………長尾 真 500
―制約統合型モデルの提案―………………………………………………田中穂積 507
知的文書処理……………………………………………………………………野村浩郷 514
(自然言語処理+利用者)×対象=知的自然言語システム………………村木一至 522
-言語の理論から設計の理論へ-…………………………………………辻井潤一 530
解 説
三面図からのソリッドモデル変換技術の現状…………………沼尾雅之・増田 宏 542
…北野宏明・中島秀之・元田 浩・大須賀節雄・大力 修・溝口理一郎 550
論 文
………………………………………………………………………赤羽旗一 566
………………………………………………………………………小野田崇 574
…………………………………………………………榑松理樹・山口高平 585
………………山口高平・榑松理樹・下津直武・中尾博司・落水浩一郎 593
…………………………………………………………田渕 真・田浦俊春 600
……………………………………………岸 義樹・小井土智・柴田和人 608
Forking GA)………………………………………筒井茂義・藤本好司 619
接続助詞「ので」による順接複文の共参照関係の解析……西澤信一郎・中川裕志 629
―直接条件照合の改善案―………………………阿部武彦・木村春彦・南保英孝 637
動的環境における成功確率を用いた熟考の制御……………………………山田誠二 645
制約知識ベースに基づく三面図理解………………内野寛治・狩野 均・西原清一 653
研究室紹介………………………………662 文献紹介…………………………………668
会議報告…………………………………663 カレンダー………………………………669
会 告……………………………………………………………………………………… i~xii
Journal of Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence
Vol.11 No.4(Jul. 1996)
Human Interface and AI Technology…………………… Yunosuke Haga 497
Special Issue : “Reengineering the NLP”
Editor’s Introduction to “Reengineering the NLP”……Hiroshi Yasuhara 498
Natural Language Processing for the Next Generation
Machine Translation………………………………..Makoto Nagao 500
Incorporating Multiple Syntactic Constraints into a
Parsing Technology………………………………….Hozumi Tanaka 507
Intelligent Text Processing………………………. Hirosato Nomura 514
(NLP+User) $B!_ (BApplication= Intelligent NLP System…….. Kazunori Muraki 522
From Theories of Language to Theories for Designing
NLP Systems…………………………………… Jun-ichi Tsujii 530
Survey Papers
Current Status of the Technologies for Constructing Solid Models from
Orthographic Views………………Masayuki Numao and Hiroshi Masuda 542
AI map
Comments on “AI Map-Form and Content-Invitation to Content-Oriented
AI Research-“and Their Answers….Hiroaki Kitano,Hideyuki Nakashima,
Hiroshi Motoda,Setsuo Ohsuga,Osamu Dairiki,and Riichiro Mizoguchi 550
Technical Papers
A Symbolic Manipulation Type Neural-Networks Model and Knowledge
Presentation with Sets………………………………Kiich Akaba 566
Information Criterion for an Artificial Neural Network Model
…………………………………………Takashi Onoda 574
A Framework for Knowledge Acquisition Using Case-Based Reasoning
and Model Inference(1)
-Legal Interpretation Knowledge Acquisition-
………………….Masaki Kurematsu and Takahira Yamaguchi 585
A Framework for Knowledge Acquisition Using Case-Based Reasoning
and Model Inference(2)
-Software Process Knowledge Acquisition-
…….. Takahira Yamaguchi,Masaki Kurematsu,Naotake Shimozu,
Hiroshi Nakao,and Kouichiro Ochimizu 593
Methodology for Interactive Knowledge Acquisition between
Genetic Learning Engine and Human..Makoto Tabuchi and Toshiharu Taura 600
Inductive Learning of Predicates by Address-Based Variable
Allocation Using GA..Yoshiki Kishi,Satoshi Koido,and Kazuhito Shibata 608
The p-fGA:Phenotypic Forking Genetic Algorithm
………………….Shigeyoshi Tsutsui and Yoshiji Fujimoto 619
The Analysis of Co-Referential Relation for Zero Pronouns
in Japanese Complex Sentences Conjoined by “node”
……………….. Shin’ichi Nishizawa and Hiroshi Nakagawa 629
A Consideration on a Method for Dealing with Expensive Productions
of a Production System
-Improvement of a Direct Match-
…………..Takehiko Abe,Haruhiko Kimura,and Hidetaka Nanbo 637
Controlling Deliberation with the Success Probability
in a Dynamic Environment………………………….. Seiji Yamada 645
Understanding Three Orthographic Views by Using Constraint
Knowledge Base…… Kanji Uchino,Hitoshi Kanoh,and Seiichi Nishihara 653
Published Bimonthly by Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence
OS Bldg.402,4-7 Tsukudomachi,Shinjuku-ku,Tokyo 162,Japan.