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1B4-CS-1 趣旨説明と認知科学とAIの展開が生み出す新たな研究課題


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05月30日(Sat) 15:20〜17:00 B会場(4F南/5F南-講堂)
1B4 「学会コラボセッションS3「人間の知性と機械の知性の接点」」

著者鈴木 宏昭(青山学院大学教育人間科学部)
時間05月30日(Sat) 15:20〜15:35
概要The present paper aims at the collaboration of cognitive science and artificial intelligence. Contrary to the traditional notion of intelligence, recent development in cognitive science has revealed that human cognition is
closely tied with its body, emotion, and the environment, to generate adaptive actions. These findings are partly paralleled with those in artificial intelligence. Realizing the commonalities would trigger the reunion of the two
research communities.