Japanese (Call for Registrations and Papers for International Sessions)
We receive and review papers in artificial intelligence and related fields, and papers on case reports. Papers should be written in English, and presentations should be held in English.
Click the following button and submit your paper:
If you are a member of our society, first could you authenticate yourself as a member when you begin submitting on the above website? Select “member authentication” at the dialog that opens when clicking “member authentication or registration” on the dashboard. A non-member who wishes to join our society can also apply for membership on the same page. If you are a non-member, select “register without member authentication” in the dialog. If later you apply to become a member of our society when registering for participation, the member price for participation and presentation fees will be applied. You could apply to submit your paper as a non-member, and authenticate yourself at the above site after becoming membership afterwards before making participation registration.
Method of application
At the time of submission, please select the session of presentation (Work-in-progress session or Regular session) and the relevant category of topics below and further specify the keyword that shows the contents of the paper. Select one to five of the applicable categories and keywords from the list. Please include (1) the objective and (2) the outline of your conclusions of results in the abstract under the author information. Also, please state the outline of your method as necessary in the abstract. Submissions without any description about (1) or (2) in the abstract may not be considered for presentation or publication.
Note that the Work-in-progress session provides an opportunity to present, get feedback and discuss new ideas and research that is still in the exploration phase. A paper in this category must be an Extended Abstract (a 1 to 2 pages PDF file that follows the format specified on the national conference website). The Regular session provides an opportunity to present unpublished research findings. Also, regular session papers that match the general requirements of relevance and scientific and technological excellence are encouraged to submit to the Journal of New Generation Computing.
Period of application
Friday, December 20th, 2024 to Friday, January 17th, 2025 Punctuality at 2 pm JST
Submission deadline of papers
Monday, February 24th, 2025 Punctuality at 2 pm JST
Requirement of the submission: The papers and case reports of artificial intelligence and its related fields shown in the relevant field. The acceptable language for the international session is English only.
Restriction on the number of applications
An applicant can submit and make at most one presentation at the conference. One cannot apply an interactive session and an international session by the same presenter.
Paper manuscript
Upload a PDF file (1 to 2 pages for Work-in-progress category paper, 2 to 8 pages for Regular category paper) according to the format specified on the national convention website.
The acceptance/rejection shall be notified by Friday, March 14th, 2025, after the review on the criteria of the importance and the relevance to the conference, novelty, technical quality, and clarity of the article. After the notification, the change of any part of the content cannot be accepted. Note: an applicant who is the author of an accepted submission must pay the fee in case of withdrawal after acceptance.
Policy of awards and publication
Particularly excellent Regular category papers are planned for selection and recommendation to the Journal of New Generation Computing. If the paper selected for the award is multi-authored and the first author is a member of JSAI, we will honor all the authors of the JSAI membership as to the paper.
Questions can be asked directly to the presenter during the live session. The live session will consist of presentations (live presentation or video) and Q&A. The live sessions will be recorded and made available to the public for a limited time.
Categories of Topics for International Sessions
E-1. Knowledge Engineering
Logics, inference, knowledge representation, knowledge use/reuse, knowledge sharing, knowledge base, ontology, expert systems, knowledge management, data engineering, knowledge graph, linked data
E-2. Machine learning
Classification,clustering, reinforcement learning, regression, attribute selection, knowledge acquisition, graphical models, causality analysis,deep learning, etc.
E-3. Agents
Human agent interaction, agent design, mechanism design, multi-agent systems, autonomous agents, cooperative problem solving, automated negotiations, agent-based simulation, auction, cloud computing, collective intelligence, human computation and crowdsourcing, social signal processing, etc.
E-4. Robots and real worlds
Intelligent robots, knowledge processing of robots, human-robot interaction, environment recognition, position estimation, sensor network, robotics and automation, symbol emergence in robotics, etc.
E-5. Human interface, education aid
Intelligent interface, human-computer interaction, virtual/augmented reality, intelligent learning aid, e-learning, learning analytics and educational data mining, user/learner modeling, communication aid, design aid, Shikakeology, etc.