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4Q1-5in2 Characterization of a Tree Mapping Algorithm for Tree-to-Tree Transducer Induction


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05月26日(Fri) 09:30〜11:10 Q会場(ウインクあいち-8F 展示場)
4Q1 インタラクティブセッション「インタラクティブセッション(2)」

題目Characterization of a Tree Mapping Algorithm for Tree-to-Tree Transducer Induction
著者マルティネス パスクアル(Artificial Intelligence Research Center, AIST)
宮尾 祐介(National Institute of Informatics)
時間05月26日(Fri) 09:30〜11:10
概要We characterize a tree mapping search space in terms of the tree fragment depth and number of variables, which are parameters of the resulting tree transducer grammar. We show how such characterization explains the trade-off between computational complexity and tree transducer expressivity. We evaluate our induced tree transducers on a Question-Answering task, quantifying accuracy and average tree mapping time as a function of our parameterization.