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2O4-1 誤り理由を考慮したニューラル文法誤り訂正


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05月24日(Wed) 17:50〜19:30 O会場(ウインクあいち-10F 1007会議室)
2O4 自然言語処理・情報検索「自然言語処理・情報検索-自然言語処理応用」

著者小山田 創哲(株式会社リクルートテクノロジーズ)
兼村 厚範(産業技術総合研究所)
石井 信(京都大学)
時間05月24日(Wed) 17:50〜18:10
概要Neural machine translation (NMT) methods with an attention mechanism are promising for automated grammatical
error correction compared to other statistical machine translation methods. However, current NMT-based
grammatical error correction models have at least two issues: (i) it is difficult to identify why error corrections are
made, i.e., correction models are black boxes and (ii) the attention of each correction does not depend on error
types. To resolve these difficulties, we propose a multi-attention based neural grammatical error correction model,
which utilizes an appropriate attention for error correction. We evaluated our proposed model and the baseline
single-attention model with the CoNLL-2014 shared task dataset, and found that F0.5 scores are comparable.