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1A2-2 A Symbolic Representation for Multi-dimensional Trajectory

06月09日(Wed) 13:00〜14:20 A会場(3F-会議室1)
1A2 機械学習「クラスタリング」

題目A Symbolic Representation for Multi-dimensional Trajectory
著者NguyenHuy Thach(九州大学大学院システム生命科学府)
鈴木 英之進(九州大学大学院システム情報科学研究院)
時間06月09日(Wed) 13:20〜13:40
概要In this paper, we propose a symbolic representation for
multi-dimensional trajectory data. The central step in the
proposal is discretizing the raw time-series of two dimensional trajectory into a corresponding sequence of symbols.
Experimental results in both synthetic and real time series data sets show the time-efficiency of our proposal and our
representation is also often less sensitive to noise.