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3G2-1 閲覧実績を用いたニュース記事の地域性抽出


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05月25日(Thu) 15:50〜17:30 G会場(ウインクあいち-9F 906会議室)
3G2 Webマイニング「Webマイニング‐Webマイニング応用」

著者大倉 俊平(ヤフー株式会社 データ&サイエンス統括本部)
時間05月25日(Thu) 15:50〜16:10
概要News articles often deal with topics related to a speci c location. Therefore, they are valuable when they are correctly delivered to users in the area, whereas wortheless for users in other areas. In this paper, we propose a method to detect such locality of a news article. This method learns a recurrent neural network using users' click logs rather than human annotated data. Experimental result shows the proposed method achieves better detection accuracy than a ltering method based on a place name in its text.