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1C5-2 Is XCS approach good for Organizational-Learning Oriented Classifier Systems?

06月09日(Wed) 17:45〜19:05 C会場(3F-会議室3)
1C5 エージェント「協調問題解決」

題目Is XCS approach good for Organizational-Learning Oriented Classifier Systems?
著者Irvan Mhd(Tokyo Institute of Technology, Department of Computational Intelligence and Systems Science)
Yamada Takashi(Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Terano Takao(Tokyo Institute of Technology)
時間06月09日(Wed) 18:05〜18:25
概要We analyze the performance of the agents of organizational-learning oriented classifier systems (OCS) with and without the implementation of XCS decision criterion inside a Pac-Man world. The agents act as the enemies of Pac-Man. Pac-Man is controlled by random movements and several different Pac-Man's artificial intelligence algorithms proposed in other researches. If they capture Pac-Man, the organizational performance is indicated by the number of remaining dots and the amount of time required for capturing Pac-Man. If they fail to capture Pac-Man, the organizational performance is indicated by the amount of time required by Pac-Man to eat all dots.