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2L1-1 The First Challenge to Discover Morality Level In Text Utterances by Using Web Resources

06月18日(Thu) 10:40〜12:00 L会場(6F国際会議場ロビー-デモ会場)
2L1 デモ・ポスター「ポスター」

題目The First Challenge to Discover Morality Level In Text Utterances by Using Web Resources
著者ジェプカ ラファウ(北海道大学大学院情報科学研究科)
桝井 文人(三重大学)
荒木 健治(北海道大学大学院情報科学研究科)
時間06月19日(Fri) 16:40〜12:00
概要In our paper we will introduce our first trial to calculate a human text input and calculate its possibility to be immoral. In the beginning we use simple SOV phrases to query the Internet and see how many immoral consequences such a phrase can cause. In the next step we apply Bentham's Felicific Calculus to calculate the degree of being negative. In the end we plan to apply our idea to a self-education system where users can decide on what they want to study about.