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3B1-01 Classifying biomedical text abstracts using binary and multi-class Support Vector Machine

6月13日(金) 09:00〜10:20 B会場

題目Classifying biomedical text abstracts using binary and multi-class Support Vector Machine
著者Dollah Rozilawati (Toyohashi University of Technology)
Masaki Aono (Toyohashi University of Technology)
時間6月13日(金) 09:00〜09:20
概要"Overwhelming amount of biomedical paper abstracts has been accumulated week after week at PubMed Web site. This site is thus a rich source of life science as well as biomedical textual information, yet at the same time, it makes us a challenging task to retrieve and classify conceptually similar paper abstracts solely by the contents, not by their pre-defined categories, not by their linguistic similarities. We have observed that quite a few paper abstracts have two or more different categorical information. For instance, a paper abstract may describe both HIV/AIDS and cancer. Therefore we cannot completely rely on the categorical information based on linguistic similarity that could be extracted from abstracts alone. In this paper, we will describe a method for classifying biomedical paper abstracts not by their linguistic similarities, but by their content-based similarity with multi-class SVM, by taking four differently categorized diseases as examples. Specifically, we have collected paper abstracts which originally belong to HIV/AIDS, cancer, hepatitis, and thyroid categories. We will then merge and re-classify them with our proposed method. Finally we will compare our results with well-known MeSH terms that is a pre-defined way of providing us with different terminology of the same concepts available at PubMed Web site."

/ プログラム / 発表一覧 / 著者一覧 / jsai2008 ホーム