Call for Proposals of International Workshops
collocated with
21th National Meeting of Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence

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Call For Papers

Committee of JSAI2007 is pleased to announce the call for proposals of international workshops
which will be co-located with JSAI2007: the 21st National Meeting of The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence.

The workshop date will be June, 18 (Mon) and/or 19 (Tue), 2007 (one day or two days).
The workshop site will be World Convention Center Summit, Miyazaki, Japan.

There are several advantages for holding a workshop with JSAI2007.

The proposal should be a call for participation (CFP) draft of workshop including the following information.

Please send proposals to E-mail: by November, 17, December, 1, 2006.

Followings are the guideline for workshop proposals.

Please send further inquiries to Akihiro Inokuchi (Tokyo Research Laboratory, IBM Japan)