Call for Participation of International
Workshops Collocated with
the 19th Annual Conference of the Japanese
for Artificial Intelligence (JSAI2005)
June 13-14, 2005
The Kitakyushu
International Conference Center, Kitakyushu city, Japan
HP of Main
Now, Post-Proceedings is available from Springer!!
Click Here!!
New Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence
Joint JSAI 2005 Workshop Post-Proceedings
Series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Subseries: Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence , Vol. 4012
Washio, T.; Sakurai, A.; Nakajima, K.; Takeda, H.; Tojo, S.; Yokoo, M. (Eds.)
2006, XIII, 484 p., Softcover.
ISBN: 3-540-35470-0
Committee of JSAI2005 is pleased to announce the call for participation
of five international workshops co-located with JSAI2005: the 19th Annual
Conference of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence.
Preregistration is not required. Onsite registration only for participation.
Registration fee: 5,000 yen
Cash and Credit Card (VISA and Master only) are accepted.
Information on convenient hotels for participants is available here.
Important Dates:
Deadline of first paper submission: March, 31, 2005 => 23h59m (JST), April, 6, 2005
Deadline of camera ready submission: April, 30, 2005
Workshop date: June, 13 and/or 14, 2005 (Monday, Tuesday)
Outstanding papers will be published in a post proceedings book as LNCS (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) from Springer. Working notes are published with ISBN.
The followings are the abstracts of the workshops. For the details, please
look at URLs of each workshops.
Further inquiries: jsai2005@ai-gakkai.or.jp
- WS1:
Logic and Engineering of
Natural Language Semantics 2005 (LENLS2005)
* Logical Bases of Information Structure and Dynamic
* Philosophical Bases of Information Structure and
Dynamic Semantics
* Linguistic Applications of Dynamic Semantics and Theory
of Information Structure such as:
- Topic
- Focus
- Negations and Denials
- Presupposition
- Questions and Answers
- Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue
* Probability, Dynamic Semantics, and Information
* Applications of Dynamic Semantics and Theory of
Information Structure to Cognitive Science
* Applications of Dynamic Semantics and Theory of
Information Structure to Natural Language Engineering
- WS2: Workshop on Learning with
Logics and Logics for Learning (LLLL)
* Learning and knowledge discovery using logics
* Logics for machine learning and knowledge discovery
* Logics using machine learning
* Machine learning as a foundation of
mathematics/mathematical procedures
* Learning and knowledge discovery from Relational Data
* Learning and Knowledge discovery from
Structured/Semi-structured Data
* Algorithmic aspects of learning based on logics
- WS3: Agent Network Dynamics and
Intelligence (ANDI)
* Scale-free network
* Small world
* Collective intelligence
* Collective learning
* Multi-agent of a network system
* Swarm-made architecture
* Web dynamics
* Web intelligence and web science
* Social intelligence
* Complex system
- WS4: Workshop on
Conversational Informatics
* Capturing and measurement of conversations
- sensor technologies for conversation recording
- non-verbal aspects of conversations
- conversational scene extraction and summarization
* Content processing of conversational information
- natural language processing for conversations
- quantizing and generating conversations
- conversational agents
* Analysing conversations
- conversation corpus
- cognitive model for conversation understanding
- ethnographic analysis of conversations
- social model of knowledge exchanging by conversations
- WS5: Risk Management Systems
with Intelligent Data Analysis
* Risk Management Systems in the fields of
- Medical
- Chemistry
- Security
- Sensor data
- Social Activities
- Human Relationships
- Decision Support in Business
* Intelligent Data Analysis
- Data Pre/post processing
- Machine Learning
- Data Mining
- Active Mining
- Domain Modeling
- Ontologies
- Semantic Web