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3M2-2 Video Compression with a Predictive Neural Network


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05月25日(Thu) 15:50〜17:30 M会場(ウインクあいち-10F 1005会議室)
3M2 画像・音声「画像・音声-画像処理・パターン認識」

題目Video Compression with a Predictive Neural Network
著者しなぱや らな(東京大学池上研究室)
池上 高志(東京大学)
時間05月25日(Thu) 16:10〜16:30
概要Predictive networks are a type of generative neural network model that learns to minimize the error between predicted data and real input. Prediction is used as a way to perform unsupervised learning of latent structure in the data, for example shapes and linear transformations in images. As a result, video-trained predictive networks can produce output by processing input through intrinsically stored invariances. In this study we propose to use such learned invariances as a compresssion/decompression engine for videos on spatial and temporal dimensions.